


吉田 昌義(よしだ まさよし) 水曜日以外、第1~3土曜日以外

 2002年 九州大学医学部卒業
 2009年 九州大学大学院修了(循環器内科)
 2013年 医学博士取得(睡眠時無呼吸分野、心不全分野 / 九州大学)

 2002年 九州大学医学部循環器内科入局
 2002年 九州大学病院(研修医)
 2004年 済生会福岡病院(循環器内科)
 2009年 済生会二日市病院(循環器内科)
 2012年 済生会熊本病院(循環器内科)
 2016年 オタワ大学Postdoctoral fellow
 2018年 オタワ大学(客員研究員)
 2019年 当院院長就任

 日本医師会認定 産業医


安藤 眞一 (あんどう しんいち) 第2土曜日、第3木曜日午前

前 九州大学病院 睡眠時無呼吸センター長、特任教授





九州大学病院の 睡眠時無呼吸センター 医師(循環器専門医)が第2・4水曜日午前に診療を行います。



管理栄養士 、糖尿病療養指導士




  • AGE-WELL Postdoctoral Award in Technology and Aging(2016年)
    New Multi-function Device for Reliable Monitoring of Cardiovascular Health in the Home
  • 第61回日本心臓病学会(2013年)
    通常量のサンリズム投与にて著明な心収縮能障害を来たし一時的なPCPS留置にて救命できた一症例 Case Presentation Award
  • 第9回Neurocardiology Workshop奨励賞(2008年)
  • 第3回Cardiac Translational Research Conference最優秀賞(2005年)


  • 第87回日本循環器学会(福岡、2023年3月)
    • Computer Simulation Clarifies Effect of CPAP on Transmural Pressure by Decreasing Cardiac Output while Increasing Cardiac Output via PVR reduction.
  • 第66回日本心臓病学会(大阪、ランチョンセミナー、2018年9月)
    • 治療抵抗性心不全に対するASVの有効活用
    • 陽圧呼吸療法の有効群は?〜血行動態から読み解く〜
  • 第6回心不全ASVリサーチ・フォーラム(シンポジウム2、2018年9月)
    • 心不全患者におけるASVの再入院抑制効果
  • 第81回日本循環器学会(金沢、2017年3月)
    • Fractional Flow Reserve after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention can be Mathematically Derived in Individual Tandem Lesions
  • 第81回日本循環器学会(金沢、RT5-3:テーブルラウンドディスカッション、2017年3月)
    • The Hemodynamic Effect of Non-invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
  • ヨーロッパ心臓病学会:心不全2015(スペイン、セビリア、2015年5月)
    • Reduction of readmission rate by adaptive servo-ventilation therapy in the patients with severe heart failure
  • 第79回日本循環器学会(東京、プレナリーセッション、2014年3月)
    • Artificial baroreflex system prevents postural hypotension in patients with cervical spinal cord injury
  • 第22回ヨーロッパ睡眠学会(エストニア、2014年)
    • Positive impact on Readmission rate of adaptive servo-ventilation therapy in heart failure.
  • 第39回日本睡眠学会(京都、2014年)
    • 心不全による再入院をASVは抑制する
  • 第36回国際睡眠学会(京都、2011年)
    • Increase in cardiac output by bi-level positive airway pressure ventilation in patients with congestive heart failure
  • 国際高血圧学会2010(ISH、バンクーバー、2010年)
    • Standing Test after the Blood Donation can Predict the Incidence of Late Phase Vasovagal Reaction
  • アメリカ心臓病学会2008(ニューオリンズ、2008年)、EMBC(2008年)
    • Transcutaneous Bionic Baroreflex System is Widely Applicable for Preventing ere Orthostatic Hypotension in Patients with Cervical Cord Injury
  • 第72回日本循環器学会(福岡、2008年)
    • Overexpression of mitochondrial transcription factor A protects failing myocardium from oxidative stress
  • 第72回日本循環器学会(福岡、2008年)
    • Noninvasive Transcutaneous Bionic Baroreflex System Prevents Severe Orthostatic Hypotension in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

Yoshida M, Dajani H, Ando SI, Shimizu , Bolic M, Groza V. Analysis of the effect of CPAP on hemodynamics using clinical data and a theoretical model: CPAP therapy decreases cardiac output mechanically but increases it via afterload reduction. Sleep Medicine 2024;113:25-33.

Bolic M, Dajani H, Yoshida M, Groza V. Progress in the Assessment of Arterial Stiffness. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 2021;24(2):54-59.

Olhosseiny H, Mirzaloo M, Bolic M, Dajani H, Groza V, Yoshida M. Identifying High Risk of Atherosclerosis Using Deep Learning and Ensemble Learning. MeMeA 2021:1-5, doi: 10.1109/MeMeA52024.2021.9478741

Sidhu E, Yoshida M, Groza V, Dajani H, Bolic M. Performance Analysis of Oscillometric Blood Pressure Estimation Techniques in Cardiac Patients. MeMeA 2019:1-6 , doi: 10.1109/MeMeA.2019.8802200.

Yoshida M, Ando SI, Kodama K, et al. Adaptive servo-ventilation therapy reduces hospitalization rate in patients with severe heart failure. Int J Cardiol 2017;238:173-6.

Huang A, Yoshida M, Ono Y, Rajan S. Continuous measurement of arterial diameter using wearable and flexible ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2017 IEEE International: IEEE, 2017:1-4.

Taguchi E, Konami Y, Inoue M, Suzuyama H, Kodama K, Yoshida, M, et al. Impact of Killip classification on acute myocardial infarction: data from the SAIKUMA registry. Heart and vessels 2017;32:1439-1447.

Yoshida M, Ando SI, Eura E, et al. Hemodynamic response during standing test after blood donation can predict the late phase vasovagal reaction. Heart and vessels 2016;31:1997-2003.

Yoshida M, Ando S, Chishaki A, Makita N, Hasegawa Y, Narita S, Momii H, Kadokami T. Normal dose of pilsicainide showed marked negative inotropic effects in a patient who had no underlying heart disease. Journal of Arrhythmia. 2014;30:68-70

Yoshida, M., Ando, S., Naito, Y., Yano, H. Mediastinal leiomyosarcoma concurrent with intra-aortic thrombosis. BMJ Case Rep 2013. doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-007527

Yoshida M, Ando S. Reply. J Card Fail. 2013;19:661-662

Yoshida M, Kadokami T, Momii H, Hayashi A, Urashi T, Narita S, Kawamura N, Ando S. Enhancement of cardiac performance by bilevel positive airway pressure ventilation in heart failure. J Card Fail. 2012;18:912-918

Kadokami T, Ando S, Momii H, Yoshida M, Narita S, Fukunaga T, Nishi J, Tamura A. Diagnostic performance of cardiac fusion images from myocardial perfusion imaging and multislice computed tomography coronary angiography for assessment of hemodynamically significant coronary artery lesions: An observational study. Nucl Med Commun. 2012;33:60-68

Fujino T, Ide T, Yoshida M, Onitsuka K, Tanaka A, Hata Y, Nishida M, Takehara T, Kanemaru T, Kitajima N, Takazaki S, Kurose H, Kang D, Sunagawa K. Recombinant mitochondrial transcription factor a protein inhibits nuclear factor of activated t cells signaling and attenuates pathological hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes. Mitochondrion. 2012;12:449-458

Narita S, Yoshioka Y, Ide A, Kadokami T, Momii H, Yoshida M, Ando S. Effects of the l/n-type calcium channel antagonist cilnidipine on morning blood pressure control and peripheral edema formation. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2011;5:410-416

Momii H, Tashima Y, Kadokami T, Narita S, Yoshida M, Ando SI. Experience of step-wise protocol using noninvasive positive pressure ventilation for treating cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Eur J Emerg Med. 2011

Yoshida M, Ando S, Kadokami T, Narita S, Momii H, Sato Y, Kiyokawa T, Nakao C. Instantaneous restoration of cardiac output by noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in a patient with obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Journal of cardiology cases. 2010;3:e40-e42

Inoue T, Ide T, Yamato M, Yoshida M, Tsutsumi T, Andou M, Utsumi H, Tsutsui H, Sunagawa K. Time-dependent changes of myocardial and systemic oxidative stress are dissociated after myocardial infarction. Free Radic Res. 2009;43:37-46

Hayashi Y, Yoshida M, Yamato M, Ide T, Wu Z, Ochi-Shindou M, Kanki T, Kang D, Sunagawa K, Tsutsui H, Nakanishi H. Reverse of age-dependent memory impairment and mitochondrial DNA damage in microglia by an overexpression of human mitochondrial transcription factor a in mice. J Neurosci. 2008;28:8624-8634

Yoshida M, Murayama Y, Chishaki A, Sunagawa K. Noninvasive transcutaneous bionic baroreflex system prevents severe orthostatic hypotension in patients with spinal cord injury. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2008;2008:1985-1987

Yamato M, Shiba T, Yoshida M, Ide T, Seri N, Kudou W, Kinugawa S, Tsutsui H. Fatty acids increase the circulating levels of oxidative stress factors in mice with diet-induced obesity via redox changes of albumin. FEBS J. 2007;274:3855-3863


Blood Pressure Stabilization System Using Transdermal Stimulation
Application number: US 20110202107 A1
Filed: October 15, 2008, Issued: August 18, 2011
Inventors: Kenji Sunagawa, Akiko Chishaki, Masayoshi Yoshida

Method for prevention or treatment of memory disorder in mammal
Application number: WO 2008072781 A1
Filed: December 12, 2007, Issued: June 19, 2008
Inventors: Tomomi Ide, Dongchon Kang, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Kenji Sunagawa, Hiroyuki Tsutsui, Tadayuki Yamadera, Mayumi Yamato, Masayoshi Yoshida

Methods for estimating post-PCI fractional flow reserve
Application Number: US20170325696A1
Filed: May 5, 2017, Issued: November 16, 2017
Inventors: Masayoshi Yoshida

Warning device for onset of cardiac failure or kidney failure
Application Number: JP6169997B2
Filed: March 195, 2014, Issued: July 26, 2017
Inventors: Masayoshi Yoshida, Shinichi Ando

Method and apparatus for ultrasonic continuous measurement of blood vessel diameter
Application Number: 62685334
Receipt date: June 15, 2018
Inventors: Yuu Ono, Masayoshi Yoshdia, Andy Huang, Sreeraman Rajan

Wearable device for pregnant woman, information processing system, portable information terminal, Uterine contradiction measurement method and program
Application Number: 2019-036795
Receipt date: February 28, 2019
Inventors: Masayoshi Yoshdia, Shunsuke Koga